Another phone call…

27 Apr

M sent me an e-mail to update me on Snowball’s injury. I left a message on his answering machine (that I paid for, as I did the phone – shit like this keeps popping up in my memory to piss me off all over again, but that’s neither here nor there) saying that I would be out Saturday morning before work.

He called last night to tell me that I didn’t need to go out there and that he had the neighbor lady coming over to learn the feeding routine as he is going out of town and she will come over to take care of the animals while he’s gone since I’m house-sitting and not available. Fine. Perfect. He has other options.

I thought that would be it, but he said that a couple of (married) male friends of “ours” asked him how he could stand not knowing where I am and if I’m “okay.” This was meant to be an opening for me to tell him where I am and how I’m living, and prove how pitiful my existence is without him, but I was instantly angry.

First of all, neither of these “friends” has made any effort to contact me to see if I’m even alive, so what business is it of theirs what I’m doing?

Next, does anyone who knows me think that I’m too fucking stupid to be able to live on my own? It ain’t Rocket Science, folks! I’m 44 years old and very capable of taking care of myself. In fact, I have always taken care of myself and one lousy, worthless male all of my adult life. Add one belligerent offspring for nearly 20 years and you have an accurate picture of just what I’ve been able to handle for the last 25 years. Assholes.

I told M that I resented that anyone would think that I’m not capable of taking care of myself. That I don’t have to answer to anyone. I am fine. I am Fine. I am FINE! I probably threw in some profanity before I rang off, but I don’t remember.

After I hung up (no talk of how much sex he’s not getting this time) it occurred to me that it’s quite possible M made up inquiries from “our” friends to goad me into telling him something that he could “pass on to them.” What a dick.

Coincidentally, I met one of my former neighbors at the dog park this morning. Sabu hated when he and his Aussie, Shadow, walked by because Shadow was off his leash and that made her crazy with jealousy. They played nicely today, though.

Anyway, I recognized both dog and owner and said so. He has talked to M and M told him that I left and his life is in the crapper. The man was totally on M’s side – big surprise. Not. I told him that life is too short to spend it with people who make you miserable.

He asked if there was any hope for M and I and I said only that we were still communicating. I couldn’t help tossing in that until M owned up to some things, I was not willing to discuss getting back together. I found myself hedging, not saying what I really feel on the off chance that he takes my words back to M and he does something drastic, and I hated myself for it.

As I was leaving, he gave me a little lecture on how sometimes you just have to forget the bad stuff and move on from where you are.

Spoken like a man who is single and has been for years.

Not a chance.


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12 responses to “Another phone call…

  1. Jenny

    April 27, 2013 at 8:37 pm

    Well pf course he took M’s side, he has a dick…with no brains….you owe nothing to anyone and you do not have to say a word about how you are doing, where you live and how you are surviving. Been there done that!!! I managed to have more going for me in 8 yrs being alone than being married for 13 lousey yrs. They just can’t believe you can have a better life without them-HA we showed them didn’t we!!!
    You can forget the past, you just don’t forget how they treated you!! You have spunk and you will do just fine in life, you have proved that to all of us here watching you come out of your cocoon and turn into a butterfly!

  2. El Guapo

    April 27, 2013 at 9:39 pm

    Actually, it sounds very much like you’re moving on from the bad stuff.
    Hope he doesn’t bring M out to show him the dog park.

  3. behindthemaskofabuse

    April 27, 2013 at 9:50 pm

    Boy that guy had nerve when he knows nothing. What he told you to do, is exactly what you are doing…lol

  4. Awana

    April 28, 2013 at 2:03 am

    Nervy is right! Ick…Men don’t forget–they parse their “hurt” every day–why should you forget? You are an adult human, not a child or dumb animal. My mother uses that “they asked about you” crap…don’t believe it! And yes, be careful what you say….men are worse gossipers than women ANY day…

    • Jenny

      April 28, 2013 at 8:15 am

      yeah what was said about the dog park, hope M does not stalk you there now!!

  5. Jenny

    April 28, 2013 at 8:17 am

    Amazing M found someone to care for the bunnies….see ,he’s not so helpless as he trys to pretend to be and I’m proud you told him the word “NO”.

  6. Not Quite Alice

    April 28, 2013 at 5:27 pm

    Ew. I’m glad you’re not giving in to his goading. Good for you hun!

  7. positivagirl

    April 29, 2013 at 10:38 pm

    Another funny post!!! Your the same age as me too!! I am 45 in August though 😦 …. I still haven’t grown up yet. I thought it would have happened by now.

    • Sofia Leo

      April 30, 2013 at 9:00 am

      Why grow up? Seems like I just spent 25 years being the adult in three failed relationships. My son turned out okay, but he’s “done” and on his own, so why not be a kid now? I feel like I lost out on my first childhood and now is the time to really have fun, when I can appreciate the sacrifices necessary to make it happen.

  8. positivagirl

    April 29, 2013 at 10:40 pm

    I love how they just ‘make stuff up’… get information out of you if you don’t volunteer it yourself. 🙂

    • Sofia Leo

      April 30, 2013 at 9:01 am

      I know, right? He says that he will imagine the worst (me out in a bar picking up men every night) unless I tell him the truth. I cry “bullshit!” Just stew in the juices of your own making, asshole, and don’t worry about me 🙂

  9. Becki Duckworth

    May 25, 2013 at 9:41 am

    First of all its none of his business what you do or where you do it.


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